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Sell More With Consumers’ Content Made Shoppable

Showcase transparency and social proof to win consumer goods shoppers’ trust and increase their likelihood of buying with social and visual UGC made shoppable.

Empowering Global eCommerce Brands With UGC Advantages

Activate Visual User-Generated Content

UGC Is Key In Driving Shoppers’ Decision

  • list icon When deciding upon which consumer goods to buy, shoppers largely depend upon ratings and reviews given by existing users to validate their purchases.

  • list icon 47% of the shoppers look for authentic product visuals on the product page they’re buying on. Now, imagine results with product tags added to them.

  • list icon By featuring real usecases of consumer goods in every stage between discovery and purchase - you can multiply the impact, sales, and revenue of your brand.

  • list icon Shoppable UGC galleries for consumer goods can effectively ignite potential users’ interest and compel them into buying - credits to the power of relatability and authenticity.

Why Choose Tagshop?

Brands across industries are leveraging Tagshop to unleash the untapped power of shoppable user-generated content and maximize conversions.

Shoppable UGC Made Easy

Collect & Curate
Product Tags
Publish Anywhere
Detailed Analytics

Solutions That Deliver Authentic Experiences At Scale

eCommerce solutions designed to influence shoppers, drive conversions and boost brand growth.

Shoppable UGC Galleries

Shoppable UGC Galleries

Connect content to commerce and move consumer goods shoppers from product discovery to purchase with visual UGC galleries integrated in home or product pages.

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Visual UGC Lookbooks

Visual UGC Lookbooks

Deliver engaging shopping experiences by featuring users’ content in visual galleries to enhance product discovery, build trust, and personalize shopping experiences.

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Product Page Galleries

Product Page Galleries

Offer relevancy by integrating shoppable UGC into your product pages and effectively tap into the impulse of the shoppers, showcase brand community, and increase sales.

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Customer Review & Ratings

Customer Review & Ratings

Reviews and ratings alter the impact that your brand generatres on potential shoppers’ minds. Incorporate experience-based, real content across your eCommerce to boost credibility.

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Grow Your Brand With Tagshop

Get in touch to build brand trust, conversions, and affinity with promising solutions.

Create Authentic Shoppable Experiences Across Categories

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