In this modern digital marketing structure, content is a crucial element that strengthens your marketing game. Thus, content moderation is a good tactic that monitors content and helps businesses present valuable content to the audience. 

Here’s a brief discussion of content moderation that will help you build your audience’s trust in this online competition. 

What is Content Moderation? 

Content moderation is a modern approach that screens through content to analyze the quality standards on the platforms. Every platform has pre-set guidelines focusing on them; content moderation techniques will filter out irrelevant content. This technique can remove content based on violence, offensiveness, hate speech, copyright infringements, and similar factors.

Thus, content moderation is the perfect way to keep your website relevant and trustworthy with quality content.

Types of Content to Moderate

As part of content marketing, marketers use various content formats, including text, images, and videos that require moderation at some point. Let’s read about them in detail.

1. Text

Text posts are the primary content formats found mainly all over the internet. They can be long blog posts or short reviews. Moderation is essential for optimizing blogs to meet SEO requirements. 

2. Images

Today, visuals are the best consumable content online because of their effortless grasping power. Visual content offers 90% of the information to the audience. Thus, presenting great images that attract and convert audiences is vital.

3. Videos

Videos provide visitors with the best visual content after images. Another purpose of video content is to present the company’s best image. Thus, to do so, you need to be very careful about the quality of the video content. 

Types of Content Moderation

Each brand has its unique way of moderating content. They can review the content manually or automate the process with various tools available online. There are many types of content moderation, and a few of the main types are discussed below. Have a look.

1. Pre-moderation

Pre-moderation is for you if your business requires high security and properly reviewed content before publication. In pre-moderation, every piece of content is thoroughly reviewed before its publication. The visual or textual content goes live only when the content moderator approves it. 

2. Post-moderation

Many online businesses use post-moderation processes for their content moderation. In post-moderation, the contents are screened thoroughly. So, even after the content gets posted online, it can be moderated, and any flagged content can easily be removed. 

3. Reactive moderation

Reactive moderation can be a double safety net for inappropriate online content. This approach is ideal for removing flagged content online. In reactive moderation, the moderator takes action when users report or mark any content as inappropriate. The content moderator then reviews the reported content, and if they find it breaches the platform guidelines, they either replace or remove it. 

4. Proactive moderation

Proactive moderation can be defined as the approach that prevents inappropriate content from coming to the public. The moderators check the content manually beforehand and remove all violative content from being posted. Thus, proactive moderation helps you to maintain a safe and positive environment for your readers. 

5. Distributed moderation

In distributed moderation, the burden is not upon just one person; the whole online community comes together to check content. A rating and voting system is used to moderate the content, which is left to the users. The content receiving lower votes is reviewed and removed from the page.