How many times have you caught yourself skipping static posts and engaging with posts like surveys, polls, quizzes, etc? Never Right? 

Online audiences love to engage with content that actively communicates with them. Such content is called interactive content. Interactive content is a powerful tool for content marketing. Include interactive content in your content marketing strategy for better audience participation and engagement.

Let’s get into the details of interactive content and know what and why it is.

What is Interactive Content?

Interactive content is content that encourages its audiences to actively participate in some activity. It has been seen that audiences passively engage with content online because of their static characteristics. 

Interactive content comes with a lot better engagement opportunities than regular content which brings you 2x more conversion & boosts interactive shopping. Moreover, if you want to make your brand stand out in the competition, Interactive content is your savior.

Types of Interactive Content

Here are different types of interactive content that you can add to your content marketing strategy. Let’s get into them one by one.

Interactive Infographics & Images

No more static infographics that were once attached to blog posts only. Infographics have taken a new look, making them eye-catching and informative at the same time. Try flowcharts, scrollable timeline infographics, or comparison chat

Interactive Videos

Visual contents have more attraction today because of its quick grasping power. So, interactive videos have gained a lot of popularity and have become an integral part of content marketing strategy. 

Assessments & Quizzes

Assessments and quizzes have a two-way function, that is they provide data to both audiences and companies. Audiences love to interact with quizzes to submit their feedback and know others’ preferences as well.

Interactive EBooks

To share the latest case studies or reports with your audience, interactive eBooks can be a great option. Add CTAs to your infographics like “Learn more”, “Do it yourself”, etc. and let your audience download the eBook for detailed information.

Importance of Interactive Content

You must know the importance of Interactive content to use it at its maximum potential. Here are some of the key benefits it offers.

Better Engagement

As already said, interactive content generates active participation from your audience in your content. Interactive content lets you share information-rich and creative content. It has witnessed interactive content has brought better engagement to a brand.

Improve Conversion Rate

It is easy math that if you can bring better engagement then results in lead generation that automatically improves the conversion rate. Visually appealing interactive content impresses customers more, resulting in increased conversion.

Get More Feedback

As already said with interactive content you get access to customer demographic information. So, while your audiences consume your interactive content you can collect data like their clicks, views, and interactions.