How to Add Social Media Feed to WordPress Website?

how to add social media feed to wordpress
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Lacking behind your marketing efforts? Incorporate social media marketing and give a boost to your marketing strategy. 

Social media users have surged to 4.9 billion and are predicted to increase to 5.85 billion by 2027. Thus, these platforms have a vast user base, making them more than just a platform to socialize. Businesses can take their brand to the next level, reaching a wider audience through branded social media posts. 

Nowadays, businesses aim to stay ahead of their competition, so they have started to embed social media feeds on WordPress websites. This is a good strategy for making your website engaging with social proof. It will impress visitors and encourage them to convert, increasing business sales rates. 

If you want to learn the embedding process to maximize your marketing efforts, this article is for you. We have explained two embedding methods and discussed their benefits. 

Major Types of Social Media Feed

We will start by explaining the different types of social media feeds. But before we head to learn about them, let’s have a brief introduction to social media feeds. 

Social media feeds are best defined as the stream of posts you see on social media platforms, including text posts, images, videos, ads, and more. Thus, the first place you land after logging in to a social media platform is the social media feed. The content you see on a social media feed comes posted by your connections to the respective platforms. 

The content on the social media feed depends upon their algorithm, and it appears different for different users. The algorithm depends entirely on the user’s activities on the platform. Similar types of content will appear on the social media feed based on the type of posts users like, comment on, or share. Social media provides a great opportunity for businesses to connect with a broader audience, landing on their potential customer’s feeds. Many businesses even embed social media feed on WordPress websites to make them interactive and drive better engagement. 

We will now discuss the different types of social media feeds. 

1. Instagram Social Media Feed 

Instagram’s social media feed is where users first land after logging in. Scrolling through this feed, users interact with content like carousel posts, videos, reels, and more. This content comes from the people and pages one follows, likes, and comments on. 

Instagram feeds are constantly updated with the latest posts, like trendy news or keeping the users up to date. Instagram is a common platform where businesses can connect and share valuable content with the broader community for brand growth. 

Different types of content can be uploaded to the Instagram feed, which allows users to experiment and decide on a particular type of content. You can post relatable memes, informative posts, inspirational quotes, behind-the-scenes projects, and more. Thus, The Instagram social media feed works like a digital portfolio for brands and is an excellent opportunity for them to promote themselves. 

2. YouTube Social Media Feed

YouTube social media feeds are streams of content that users watch on the popular video platform YouTube. Users can watch the best user-generated content on YouTube. Content types include long-form videos, YouTube shorts, live-stream videos, posts from the YouTube community tab, etc. 

YouTube’s homepage and subscription section feature videos and shorts from the channels users have subscribed to. The feed also shows trending and recommended content based on past user interactions. 

Customers love watching videos as they can relate better to them than textual descriptions. For businesses, YouTube, the world’s largest video platform, is a goldmine for reaching their target audience through creative visual content. YouTube has 2.49 million monthly users, making it the video marketing giant.

3. Twitter Social Media Feed

Twitter’s social media feed is the platform’s timeline, where users can see a continuous stream of real-time updates or tweets (posts). Like other social media platforms, Twitter offers users an open platform to exchange thoughts. You can see and interact with text, videos, images, polls, links, and more on the Twitter feed. 

The types of content that users can interact with on Twitter include 

  • Tweets from the account you follow.
  • Retweets from networks.
  • Replies and conversations.
  • Trending tweet.
  • Promotional Tweets.

Twitter has a user base of 415 million, and 45% of consumers follow brands on Twitter. So, Twitter is an excellent platform for businesses to reach their thoughts and posts to the feeds of their potential customers. 

4. TikTok  Social Media Feed

TikTok feed is where users can watch a continuous flow of short and engaging video content from creators. TikTok is a video platform known for its bite-sized, creative, and entertaining visual content. Users also prefer the platform to watch the best user-generated content from different types of users, such as influencers and small businesses.  

TikTok has two main types of feeds: the For Your Page(FYP) feed and the Following feed, where users consume content. The first place where the user lands after logging in to TikTok is the For You Page (FYP). It’s the default feed of TikTok, where one can see a mix of different types of content from non-followers. 

The algorithm influences what you see on FYP and is based on user activity on the platform (likes, shares, and comments). In the following feed, users see videos posted by the account they follow. 

5. Facebook Social Media Feed

Users land on the Facebook feed right after logging in to the platform. Here, they scroll through various types of content, such as posts, videos, pages, and others. All the updates on Facebook feeds come from the friends, pages, and groups you are connected with. 

The posts on Facebook feeds include promotional posts or ads, informative posts, videos, reel links, and others. All this content comes straight from the Facebook connections and the pages you follow. 

The type of content you interact with on your Facebook feed varies from user to user because of the algorithm. The type of posts one interacts with determines the visibility of a Facebook feed. 

Ready to Elevate your WordPress Site?
Collect, manage, and embed your social media feed today.
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How to Add Social Media Feed to WordPress (2 Methods)

Are you among the many people creating their websites through WordPress? Then, make your website attractive and informative with relatable content. Add social media feed to WordPress website and take its engagement to a new level. This helps you impress your audiences and create a good brand reputation. Many social media aggregator tools are available that save a lot of time and effort for users with integration, and Tagshop is one of them. 

We’re sharing the methods to help you seamlessly add social media feed to WordPress. Follow the two methods below to help yourself with the embedding process. 

Method 1: Add Social Media Feed to WordPress with Tagshop

how to embed social media feed to wordpress

We will start by explaining the embedding method using the Tagshop tool. It is easier to follow and also saves your time and effort. Here is your guide to the step-by-step method of embedding social media feeds on WordPress website. 

Read More: How to Embed YouTube Video on WordPress Website?

Step 1: Login and create a feed on Tagshop

embed social media feed to wordpress
  • The “Choose Source Network” option will appear on the next screen from their Select your preferred network (for example, Facebook). 
how to embed social media feed on wordpress
  • You can create your Facebook feed through various options like hashtags, stories, profiles, and others. 
add social media feed to wordpress website
  • Select your preferred option, enter the information, and click the “Create Feed” button. 

Step 2: Customise your social media feed

  • To customize your social media feed, click “Publish” from the sidebar menu.
  • Go to the “Theme” option to choose your preferred theme.
wordpress social media feed
  • To change the background, card style, and others, go to the “Customization” option. 
  • Go to the “CTA button” to update the font color, size, and other attributes to match the branding style. 
add social media feed to wordpress

After you are done with the customization, click on “Save Changes” to apply. 

Step 3: Now embed social media feed on WordPress 

  • Go to the “Website” from the sidebar and click the “Generate Code” button on the screen. 
how to embed social media feed on wordpress website
  • You can adjust the height and width of the social media feed and then copy your embed code below. 

Step 4: Display social media feed on WordPress

  • Login to the admin panel of your WordPress account. 
login into wordpress to embed social media feed
  • Next, open the webpage where you want to display the social media feed on WordPress and go to the “Custom HTML Block.”
add social media feed on wordpress webiste
  • Paste the code you copied earlier here. 
add social media feed to wordpress
  • Lastly, click on the “Publish” button, and it’s done.

Good job! You have successfully embedded social media feed on the WordPress website. 

Read More: How to Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress Website?

Embed Social Media Feed on WordPress Website
Enhance your website engagement by embedding social media feed.
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Method 2: Embed Social Media Feed to WordPress Using WordPress Plugin

Using the WordPress plugin, seamlessly display social media feeds on WordPress. The steps to this method are explained below.

embed social media feed to wordpress website

Step 1: Install the WordPress plugin

  • Search for the social media feed plugin, then install and enable it.
  • Another way is to save the plugin zip file to the WordPress directory or upload it and activate the plugin.

Step 2: Collect Social Media content and create a feed

  • Log into your WordPress account or sign up as a new user. Then, scroll down to the Widget plugin. 
  • Click on the widget to create a new one. 
  • Next, select your desired social media network.
  • If you have chosen Facebook, select your connection type or collect the feed. 
  • Next, you can customize your widget. To do so, click the Choose Theme widget and select the layout matching your brand style.  
  • You can remove content from your feed using the filter option. 
  • Now that you are done with the customization, go to the display tab and copy the generated shortcode. 
  • Lastly, paste the copied embed code into the WordPress editor.

Well done! You have successfully added the social media feed plugin to the WordPress website.

Read More: How to Embed Social Media Feed to Shopify?

Embed Social Media Feed on WordPress
Start showcasing your social media content on website.
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Advantages of Embedding Social Media Feeds on WordPress Websites

Social media platforms offer new-age entrepreneurs great opportunities to showcase their skills and expertise to a global audience through creative, informative posts. Thus, embedding the social media feed into the WordPress website is very befitting for them. Let’s see how showcasing social media feeds to WordPress websites can take businesses to the next level. 

1. Increased Brand Engagement

Today, the look and information of your website matter greatly to your potential customers. Your website can make your brand look more powerful than your competitors. Adding a social media feed to WordPress makes it fun and engaging for visitors to learn more about your brand. Thus, your WordPress’s branded social media content works magic to increase your brand engagement.

2. Enhanced Social Proof

Social solid proof is significant for a brand in this highly competitive online market. Social media content can be used as the perfect social proof for businesses aiming to build the trust of potential customers. Thus, it is time to strengthen your WordPress website with social proof by embedding social media feeds. 

3. Drive Conversions with User-Generated Content

User-generated content, or UGC, holds a high trust value as it comes directly from real users who have gone through the products. Social media platforms are the pool of UGC, whether it comes from influencers or general users. 

People share their product experiences on social media by directly tagging the brands. Showcasing such content on a WordPress website will impress visitors, gain their trust, and encourage them to convert. Thus, embedding the social media feed on WordPress website will drive better conversion for your brand. 

4. Enhance Brand SEO Performance

The search engine loves fresh content on your website; thus, updating your website content helps strengthen SEO. Embedding social media feeds on your WordPress website fuels fresh content. Thus, it automatically updates your WordPress website with engaging social media content that helps enhance your brand’s SEO performance. 

5. Cross-Promote Campaigns and Products

Social media content for businesses comes with double benefits. It helps the brand promote its products through different social media campaigns. Also, embedding the social media feed on the website helps impress visitors with creative promotional posts. Moreover, when they see social media posts, first-time visitors to your website are encouraged to connect with your social media account. Thus, this method has excellent cross-promotional benefits for businesses. 

Embed Social Media Feed on WordPress Website
Collect, Manage, and Publish Social Media Feed on your Website.
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Final Note!

Whether you have a small or established business, social media marketing can help you take it to the next level and reach a wider audience. But your creative social media content is more than just posts. It is the perfect element to make your website engaging and trustworthy.

Thus, start adding social media feeds to WordPress websites. You know the methods to help you easily carry out the embedding process.

So, start embedding and get ready to be amazed with the results.

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