Top 12 Female Fitness Influencers in 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes Fitness is a growing industry; hence, brands like yours selling fitness products might struggle to stand out from the continuously increasing competition. In the past few years, the industry has seen a massive rise in women, which is why demand for female fitness products has increased exponentially. In fact, 54% of total gym memberships in […]

6 minute read

UGC Ads: Benefits, Types & How to Implement

Reading Time: 9 minutes Authenticity is a game changer for online businesses. 90% of customers prioritize authenticity while choosing a brand to buy from.  In this vast, competition-driven marketplace, the more authentically you can present your business, the more it counts towards your growth. One practical approach to boosting your business’s authenticity is User-generated content (UGC). Hence, brands capitalize […]

12 minute read

Visual UGC: Unleashing The Power For E-commerce Brands

Reading Time: 8 minutes Have you ever scrolled through social media and seen a picture of someone wearing a nice pair of sunglasses you’ve been eyeing? Well, folks, this is the magic of visual UGC. In simple terms, visual UGC includes photos, videos, visual reviews, etc., created by people, not brands. Recent research reveals that 93% of eCommerce marketers […]

11 minute read

How to Find UGC Creators For Your Brand in 2024

Reading Time: 7 minutes Are you looking for talented UGC creators for your brand in 2024? Identifying and collaborating with the right user-generated content creator can significantly improve your brand’s online presence, engagement, and authenticity. In this rapidly ever-evolving digital marketplace, knowing how to find UGC creators has become a pivotal marketing strategy for brands and businesses.  If you […]

9 minute read

Top 14 UGC Platforms for Your Brand in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes Consumers are more particular than ever about having their choices met. A whopping 90% of customers trust recommendations from someone familiar, which is why brands are relying on UGC platforms to showcase content posted by regular customers. This shift in trust means that authenticity reigns supreme. People crave real-life experiences and connect with brands that feel genuine. […]

15 minute read

Video Testimonials: How to Utilize Them to Boost Your Brand

Reading Time: 7 minutes The significance of social proof for e-commerce businesses is unmatchable. And when it comes to testimonials, especially video testimonials, they hold the utmost importance in building a trusted and credible brand identity.  Statistics show that over 47% of consumers prefer video testimonials, which help them visualize a product better. It’s fair to say that providing […]

9 minute read

UGC Video: How to Collect, Types, Benefits

Reading Time: 7 minutes The future of marketing is all about authenticity and real-world experiences. Enter UGC videos, or user-generated content videos, where everyday people like you and me take center stage. Unsurprisingly, customers trust other customers. Social proof, mainly through UGC videos, is a decisive decision-making factor in shopping. Statistically, 77% of consumers have agreed that watching a […]

10 minute read

What is a UGC Creator and How to Become One in 2024

Reading Time: 10 minutes UGC content creator vouching for your brand not only makes your brand popular but also acts as an impactful social proof. Not only this, a UGC creator can also be a part of other marketing strategies such as hashtag campaigns or emails.  However, choosing a perfect UGC creator is not a piece of cake, as […]

13 minute read

The Complete Guide to UGC for E-commerce: Turn Your Content Into Conversions

Reading Time: 11 minutes The e-commerce industry is living on a competitive edge where businesses are continuously striving to stand out. But as the competition is expanding, so are the opportunities UGC  for eCommerce businesses to mark their space.  User-generated content, for one, is becoming the ultimate source of social proof and authenticity for brands. UGC ecommerce is a […]

15 minute read