Content Moderation: The Key To A Successful UGC Campaign  

Reading Time: 8 minutes UGC allows brands to bond with new and potential customers based on genuine, honest reviews and visuals. Picture your mind as a well-kept library: declutter, tidy shelves. Similarly, a UGC campaign succeeds with proper attention and fitting content, like maintaining your mental space. But there’s a challenge. The internet has a lot of opinions and […]

10 minute read

Word of Mouth Marketing: A Guide To Build WOM Marketing Strategy

Reading Time: 10 minutes Consumers have always valued opinions expressed directly to them. But, over the years the consumer-to-consumer channels of communication have changed. It is now more online and businesses can drive sales and revenue by spreading the word about their products. Implementing a word of mouth marketing strategy can help you attract, engage and convert customers in […]

13 minute read

Ultimate Guide To Introduce Shoppable UGC Galleries Into Magento 2 Stores

Reading Time: 4 minutes Brands today have started pivoting the spotlight away from themselves and towards their consumers, employees, and supporters – empowering them to create content featuring their brand.  This content is based on their experience with the brand and has grave potential to connect, attract and convert visitors into loyal users.  Further, shopping has become a constant […]

5 minute read

How A UGC Software Can Help You In Managing User-Generated Content For The Best Results

Reading Time: 3 minutes Consumer behavior plays a big role in business. What your target audience does and connects with should play a significant factor in the strategies and tactics your business uses to generate more sales and results for the company. That being said, one trend that has been undeniably effective is the use of user-generated content or […]

5 minute read

TrailFx Drives Sales & Inspiration With Shoppable UGC

Reading Time: 4 minutes User-generated content is an emerging marketing trend across all industries be it fashion, retail, travel, hospitality, or automobile or any other.  Brands like TrailFx are looking to humanize their brand by activating the voices of their customers, who are the real brand advocates. These advocates highlight the brand identity, credibility, authenticity, and value perfectly by […]

4 minute read

What is Shoppable Content? Benefits, Types, and Examples

Reading Time: 12 minutes The whole reason why online shopping picked up its pace so abruptly is because of the convenience that comes with it. Shoppable content is an important asset in this journey. When customers come across high-quality visuals that can help them get a clear picture of a brand’s offerings, they tend to make confident purchasing decisions. […]

15 minute read

Introducing SnapUp: Collect Visual UGC, Reviews & Ratings Seamlessly

Reading Time: 5 minutes A recurring question among e-commerce businesses is “How to collect UGC?” User-generated content is a valuable asset for both businesses and consumers. Social proof, such as visual reviews, ratings, customer content, etc., is no secret that brands can use it to create game-changing elements.  Even though its significance cannot be overstated, its collection remains challenging […]

5 minute read

Visual Reviews For E-commerce: A Complete Guide

Reading Time: 6 minutes Marketing with visual reviews is a powerful way to cut through the content clutter, reach online shoppers and build brand awareness.  And when this power is combined with customer reviews, the impact manifolds. Visual customer reviews can create social proof, enhance brand awareness, inculcate buying inspiration, and ultimately boost sales.  According to research by The […]

8 minute read

Shoppable UGC For Fashion Marketing: A Guide To Increase Your Brand Trust & Sales

Reading Time: 7 minutes Why is user-generated content so important for fashion marketing now? Why do global fashion brands incorporate UGC in their campaigns or user shopping journey?  If you were to find the best fit for leveraging consumer generated content, then it would be for the fashion industry, especially when the social commerce & visual marketing ecosystem is […]

9 minute read