How to Embed Video in WordPress Website: 3 Methods

embed video in wordpress
Reading Time: 10 minutes

Videos bring life to your website, enhancing engagement and interaction. Embedding videos in WordPress website can be a goldmine for marketers, proving more effective than any static content. However, many creators and site owners face difficulties embedding videos effectively into their WordPress websites. The process can be overwhelming, from finding compatible plugins to coding technicalities and platform restrictions. 

In this blog, we will provide practical solutions and steps on how to embed video in WordPress. No matter your technical expertise, this guide will simplify the embedding process for you. So stick around until the end!

Method 1: Embed Video in WordPress Using Embed Code

To embed video in WordPress using embed code, follow these steps: 

Step 1 – Go to YouTube and search for the video that you want to embed.

Step 2 – Click on the ‘Share’ button.

Video embed code

Step 3 – Copy the “Embed Code” and go to your WordPress visual editor

embed video on wordpress

Step 4 – Paste the embed code, and WordPress will automatically fetch and embed the video for you. 

add videos to wordpress website
Embed Engaging Videos in your WordPress Website.
hashtag hashtag

Instagram Hashtag

handle handle

Instagram Mentions

stories stories

Instagram Stories

reels reels

Instagram Reels

mention mention

Instagram Profile

Method 2: Add Video to WordPress Website Using Tagshop

Here is the step-by-step guide to embedding a video to your WordPress website using Tagshop:

1. Create a Video Feed

Step 1 – Go to your Tagshop account or create a new one.

login to tagshop to embed videos

Step 2 – From the sidebar, go to ‘Feeds’ and click on ‘Add Feed’.

Step 3 – To add a video, you can choose from the available platforms. For example, let’s choose ‘YouTube’. 

select youtube as source network

Step 4 – After this, select your feed type from the options: Channel URL, Shorts, Playlist, Keywords or Location

Step 5 – Click on ‘Create Feed’.

embed video in wordpress website

Step 6 – From the ‘Content’ option, moderate the feed as per your preference. Here, you can hide or remove the irrelevant content from the feed. 

how to embed videos in wordpress

2. Make your Feed Shoppable 

Step 7 – Once your feed is created, it’s time to make your videos shoppable. From the sidebar, go to ‘Product Catalog’. 

add product catalog on your videos to embed on wordpress

Step 8 – Sync the product catalog from the application of your choice. You can even upload it manually by clicking the ‘Manual’ option. 

Step 9 – Go to ‘Content’ and tag the products by searching name, catalog, SKU, etc. You can turn on the ‘Hotspot’ feature to tag multiple products in a single post. 

Videos on wordpress website

3. Customize and Generate Code

Step 10 – Go to the ‘Publish’ option. Here, you can customize the feed by choosing your preferred theme, customization options, and CTA buttons. 

moderate your video feed to embed videos on wordpress

Step 11 – Once your feed is customized, click on the ‘Generate Code’. 

Step 12 – Select ‘WordPress’ from the available CMS platforms.

embed video in wordpress website

Step 13 – Adjust the width and height of the gallery as per your choice and copy the code.

4. Embed it on the WordPress website

Step 14 – Now login to your WordPress account

login to wordpress account

Step 15 – Select and edit the page where you want to embed the gallery.

Step 16 – Click on (+) to add a new block and choose custom HTML

add custom html block element in wordpress

Step 17 – Paste the Tagshop generated code.

how to embed video in wordpress website

Step 18 – Click on Publish/Update post, and You’re Done!

Congratulations! You have successfully embedded the video into your WordPress website using Tagshop. 

Embed Engaging Videos in your WordPress Website.
hashtag hashtag

Instagram Hashtag

handle handle

Instagram Mentions

stories stories

Instagram Stories

reels reels

Instagram Reels

mention mention

Instagram Profile

Method 3: Embed Videos on WordPress Using WordPress Plugin

Plugins offer various features to create responsive video layouts and other controls. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1 – Go to the WordPress plugin and look for your preferred plugin.

Step 2 – click the ‘Install Now’ option to install the plugin.

Step 3 – After installing, click on ‘Active’ option.

Step 4 – Go to the plugin and sign in to the app.

Step 5 – Click on the ‘Create Widget’ option.

Step 6 – Now create the widget, and your feed will be embedded on your WordPress website. 

Types of Videos to Embed in WordPress Website

You can embed various types of videos into your WordPress website, such as:

1. Instagram Videos

embed instagram video in wordpress

Embedding Instagram videos on a website is a great way to engage and captivate visitors. There are many options for adding Instagram videos to your website. You can embed reels, video posts, Instagram live videos, video stories, etc. These videos act as solid social proof for your website, which helps build trust among new visitors. This will impact their purchase decision and help enhance your website engagement positively. 

Read More: How to Embed Instagram Reels on WordPress Website

2. YouTube Videos

Having great YouTube videos on your WordPress website is a time-proven way to increase the time spent on it and make your website content more compelling. More than 51% of marketing professionals say that video content has the highest ROI. Also, embedding videos into your website helps you rank higher on platforms like Google and YouTube.  Google prioritizes YouTube on the first page of search engine results page (SERP), hence improve your SEO rankings. It also helps increase your content views and share your information with visitors efficiently. 

Read More: How to Embed Video on Any Website

3. TikTok Videos

embed tiktok videos in wordpress

TikTok is renowned for its viral potential; thus, embedding TikTok videos on WordPress can significantly boost your website’s engagement. You can tap into this virality and increase the likelihood of your content being seen and shared. Also, TikTok is the hub of user-generated content, which is more likely to build trust and authenticity. 

4. Facebook Videos

embed videos on wordpress

Embedding Facebook videos on the website is not just a trend but has proven its impact by retaining and engaging visitors for a long time. Like Instagram videos, you can embed various video types, such as video streaming, video ads, reels, story reels, etc. 

5. Twitter Videos

twitter videos

Twitter videos on your website offer several practical advantages. Visitors can see your live updates and conversations in real-time, which showcases that your website is active. They can also see your industry-relevant content, which makes your website look more professional and enhances trust in the audience. 

6. Pinterest Video

embed pinterest video

Pinterest is not just an image-sharing platform; it’s also a dynamic video-sharing platform with high engagement and inspiration. Embedding Pinterest videos to your website can offer a deeper understanding of your content. It adds a touch of creativity to your website and enhances the user experience. Also, video content, especially from Pinterest, has a high potential to boost engagement due to its creativity and originality. 

Embed Engaging Videos in your WordPress Website.
hashtag hashtag

Instagram Hashtag

handle handle

Instagram Mentions

stories stories

Instagram Stories

reels reels

Instagram Reels

mention mention

Instagram Profile

Why Embedding Video on WordPress is Beneficial?

Embedding video content to your WordPress website has several advantages. Let’s look at them: 

Engagement Boost

When you embed video in WordPress website, users are more likely to stay on your website for longer periods, lowering your bounce rate. Videos can convey information more effectively, evoke emotions, and tell stories in a visually attractive way. This extended engagement not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of them converting into a paying customer. 

Improved User Experience

When you embed video in WordPress, users can see all the content in one place without switching to other platforms. Their browsing experience will not be affected, and this will enhance their user experience. Also, your embedded feed must give faster loading times, easy navigation, and a great visual appearance for a seamless user experience. 

Increased Conversion Rates

Videos on websites have the potential to influence purchase decisions and drive conversions by providing a more interactive and engaging experience for visitors. They also serve as social proof as your feature testimonials, reviews, or other user-generated content. Embedding this content can positively drive your visitors and increase your sales and conversions. 

SEO Advantages

Did you know that embedding videos on your website can also give your SEO a major boost? Search engines like Google give more preference to the websites that have rich multimedia content, such as videos. The high engagement, lower bounce rates, and increased time spent on the website are all factors that contribute to higher search engine rankings. Additionally, search engines crawl the video content on your page and include it in their search results, bringing even more traffic to your site. 

Best WordPress Video Plugins

Embedding videos using video plugins offers various advanced features and functionalities such as customization, content filtering, etc. Let’s look at some of the best WordPress video plugins and thier em:  

1. Tagbox

tagbox wordpress plugin for video

The Tagbox plugin offers two tools: a social wall display for events and a widget plugin that collects your user-generated content from various social platforms and embed it on the website. To learn more about the embedding process, follow the given steps:

Step 1 – From the WordPress plugin directory search for the ‘Tagbox’ WordPress plugin. 

Step 2 – Tap on ‘Install Now’.

Step 3 – After Installation, click ‘activate’ to make it ready to use.

Step 4 – Go to the Tagbox plugin.

Step 5 – Sign in to your Tagbox account. 

Step 6 – Click on the ‘Create Widget’ option.

Step 7 – Create your feed and generate the code.

Step 8 – Paste it to the WordPress website page of your choice, and you’re done. 

You have successfully embedded the TikTok video in wordpress using the wordpress plugin. 

2. Tagembed

tagembed wordpress plugin for videos

Tagembed is a social media aggregator that collects user-generated content, from testimonials to other content, and displays it on your website. Here are the steps to embed video into your WordPress website using the Tagembed WordPress plugin:

Step 1 – Search for the ‘Tagembed’ WordPress plugin from the WordPress plugin directory. 

Step 2 – Click on ‘Install Now’.

Step 3 – After Installation, click ‘activate’ to make it ready to use.

Step 4 – Now, go to the Tagembedplugin.

Step 5 – Sign in to your Tagembed account. 

Step 6 – Click on the ‘Create Widget’ option.

Step 7 – Create your feed and generate the code.

Step 8 – Paste it to the WordPress website page of your choice, and you’re done. 

You have successfully embedded the TikTok video in wordpress using the wordpress plugin. 

Final Note!

With all the steps and plugins mentioned above, selecting the right one depends on your specific needs and other factors to embed video in WordPress website. Platforms such as Tagshop provide great features and layouts, but if you use the native block method, you must embed the content manually. The power of video content is undeniable, so by strategically embedding videos into your WordPress website, you can engage and inspire your audience in a way that texts cannot. So, gear up and take your WordPress website to the next level.

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