Tagshop x Listrak: Redefine Omnichannel Marketing With Shoppable UGC

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Consumers’ path to purchase isn’t linear; multiple things influence their final decision to buy. As a result, their expectations have changed dramatically, and how they seek them to be met has shifted too. 

Brands are constantly struggling to revolutionize the strategies and tools to cater to the shoppers’ needs successfully.

Moreover, providing for the growing need for authenticity is also important because that is a force for generating sales and marketing ROI.

Accounting for these changes and a significant rise in competition, Tagshop and Listrak have come together to avail their users with holistic cross-channel marketing solutions. Follow the blog to learn about the partnership and how it can benefit your business.

What Makes Tagshop Different?

Tagshop is a leading social commerce platform that allows eCommerce brands to pool and allocate content generated on social channels to the places they sell. 

Brands are empowered to showcase authentic content across their online stores to build trust and conversions. In addition, the platform provides varied features that potentially make channelizing user-generated content to the online storefronts easy. 

Users can collect valuable user-generated content-textual and visuals, add product tags, turn them shoppable and publish them smartly onto your web pages(category, product, checkout, review, & others).

  • Turn UGC shoppable by adding product tags and incorporating them directly into your eCommerce
  • Activate product hotspots to convey product information to the shoppers briefly. 
  • Cut an edge on customizations with various appealing themes and other available options.
  • Enhance productivity with the AI-backed product tagging and intelligent curation assistant. 
  • Incorporate user-generated reviews across the online store to improve credibility.

Ecommerce brands are coming to realize the importance of integrating authentic users’ voices into the purchasing process, and you must too. 


What Makes Listrak Different?

With Listrak, retailers and brands are empowered to grow revenue through cross-channel, cross-platform marketing efforts. 

Reach out and retarget customers throughout their journey with optimized cold emails, SMS, and mobile push notifications. Using the platform, brands can listen and respond to customer signals and move them from one step of the buying journey to the next. 

Brands can enhance the performance of their marketing campaigns by creating responsive email designs, leveraging abandoned cart messaging suites, analyzing insightfully, understanding behavioral triggers of consumers’ behavior, and more.


How Can eCommerce Brands Benefit From This Partnership?

The collaboration between Tagshop and Listrak can help eCommerce brands to deliver a seamless, personalized and authentic shopping experience to the eCommerce brands.

From building the trust of first-time shoppers to guiding and encouraging them at every step of the marketing funnel to increasing sales – this partnership is all you seek for growth.

Turn Customers Into Brand Advocates

Leverage authentic and experience-based content into the consumers’ journey to boost brand advocacy and come across as credible. 

Using Tagshop, online stores can source user-generated content for their web pages on social and digital channels. This compelling content can alter how shoppers interact with the brand, inspiring them into purchases. 

On the other hand, Listrak, a potential cross-selling platform, can promote this shoppable UGC on other marketing touchpoints such as email, SMS, etc., and seamlessly move shoppers from one stage of their buying journey to the other. 

User-generated content influences 84% of the shoppers’ eCommerce decisions, while a 30% boost in conversions.

Enhance Shoppers’ Engagement

The modern consumer is all over the place, at all times – going to offline stores, browsing through their social channels, or communicating through emails or texts. As a result, it isn’t easy to engage this audience, as they navigate multiple channels to discover brands and decide whether or not to purchase from them. 

But, irrespective of where they are, one thing remains content: they are always on their phones or desktops. 

With this partnership, eCommerce brands can effortlessly keep shoppers engaged as shoppable UGC features dynamic and authentic content, encouraging them to know more about the brand. Hence, working on their primary KPI, user engagement.

Activate Abandoned Carts

High bounce rates and cart abandonment are every brand’s pain points. But with Listrak and Tagshop coming together, this irk can be well taken care of. 

By incorporating product visuals in action across the buyers’ journey, brands can successfully tap into the shoppers’ impulses and push them towards completing the purchase. 

Leveraging Listrak, brands can track consumers’ stages in the purchase cycle, send them personalized emails and Text messages, and bring them back to complete sales.

Drive Significant Sales

Highlighting real-life value and customer satisfaction through shoppable UGC can attract, engage and convert shoppers. Tagshop x Listrak can help brands connect user-generated reviews and visuals with various touchpoints, enabling them to drive significant conversions. 

Further, by blending real content with the marketing touchpoints, the chances of upselling and cross-selling increase too, which further improves revenue and ROI.

Over To You

For eCommerce brands to cut an edge in this competitive world, leveraging more ingenious ways to sell is non-negotiable. With this partnership, brands can drive the best of two worlds and dig the best out of their marketing efforts. 

Now, if you’re excited to learn more, reach out to us!

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