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Empower Advocacy: Move Beyond Influencers

Find, connect and remarket content generated by your brand champions to amplify brand voices and drive growth.
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Influencer Discovery

Empowering Global eCommerce Brands With UGC Advantages

How We Do What We Do

Influencer Discovery Tools

Discover Creators

Find creators that suite your niche and share a love for your brand easily.

Influencer Marketing

Connect & Manage

Steamline communication and regulate content from one place.

Organic Influencers

Remarket Content

Reuse content generated & Track user sentiments across channels.

Discover Fitting Brand Champions

Influencer marketing for ecommerce can be challenging. But with Tagshop you can easily find the best creators within and beyond the platform.

Influencer Discovery Platforms
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    Connect With Creators Who Love Your Brand Already!

    Being creator forward, we record and track users who actively share their love for your brand. Learn about them and connect with for more (un)sponsored, truly authentic content!

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    Find & Scale Influencer Partnerships of Your Niche

    Filter and search influencers from different geographies, industries, audience base, & performance - using our extensive database of UGC creators and influencers.

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    Use Google Chrome Extension to Import Creator Profiles

    Provided you get impressed by any of the creator profiles, have the leverage to add it to your saved lists with Tagshop’s Google chrome extension (soon). Just scroll and save.

Unify Management of Brand Champions

Be it influencer marketing for Shopify sales or for an overall revenue growth of your brand - managing creators is effortless.

Best Influencer Discovery tool
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    Mark Creators You Like as ‘Favorites’

    While browsing brand champion profiles to collaborate with, mark the ones that fit your collaboration criteria as Favroite to further segregate and take action upon.

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    Create Campaign-Wise Saved Lists

    Explore creators’ engagement rates across social networks, audience demographics, previous brand partnerships - and add your top picks to your campaign list.

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    Cut The Hassle, Find Similar Creators

    Escalate your brand voice with smart marktech. Leverage auto-suggested creator profiles to save time redoing the filtration process.

Connect & Repurpose Content Remotely

Simplify brand communications with eCommerce influencers and engage in remarketing activities holistically with Tagshop.

discover influencer marketing
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    Hire Influencers/Creators Within The Platform

    Connect with your brand champion for fruitful collaborations. Find curated influencer contract and email templates for easy reach-outs and a streamlined process.

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    Enable Omnichannel Remarketing of Content

    Think beyond only content generation. Real value of this asset rests in its distribution. With Tagshop you can bring content generated via your brand champions to every place you sell at.

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    Track Performance and Measure Your ROI

    Get all campaign results in one dashboard; revenue, conversions, impressions, etc to learn and scale the performance of your eCommerce marketing.

Sign up to our growing list of creators to collaborate with leading eCommerce brands.

Creator Content Reigns Supreme


of Social Media Users Discover New Products through Influencers


of Consumers Find Relatable Influencers Most Appealing


of Consumers Prefer to Follow Creators That Look And Act Like "Everyday People".

You could derive more from your creator’s content!

Believe it or not, there is immense potential in the content created by your brand champions & you might be underutilizing it. With Tagshop, you can remarket content created across your marketing channels & achieve results at scale.

Enrich Product Pages

Create a shoppable product page gallery showcasing engaging content created by your chosen creator to establish product credibility and grow sales.

Include in Emails

Reinstate the performance of your emails with creator-driven content. Instill inspiration & reactive carts by showcasing creators love for your products.

Create a Shop on Bio

Create a shoppable link in bio for Instagram and TikTok featuring creators content with products tagged to turn social traffic into sales.

Still Waiting? 🤔

Partnering with the right creators can be a game-changing strategy to enhance your brand’s growth and reputation. Begin this journey today.


Influencer marketing for eCommerce involves collaborating with influencers to promote and endorse products or services. Usually, the end goal is to improve sales, brand visibility, and ultimately sales. Influencer marketing works in several ways - build relationships, promote products, and engage audiences.

Influencer marketing for eCommerce is a powerful marketing strategy that allows brands to get their products and services promoted through popular influencers on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. The content may include - photos, short form videos or blog posts.

To find the right influencers, identify influencers whose audience aligns with your target market and ensure their niche match your industry. Finally, reach out to them via email, or influencer marketing platform.

To remarket content generated by your creators, the first step is to get the creators’ consent. After which, collect content created by influencers for your brand, reuse this content by reposting it on your marketing touchpoints to reach a wider audience and reinforce brand messaging.

Influencer marketing can benefit your brand in several ways - expanding reach to a broader audience, building trust and credibility among audience, increasing conversions and driving traffic, and achieving cost-effective marketing with higher ROI.

Influencer marketing can typically benefit all types of eCommerce businesses. The only requirement is to understand which niche of influencers can cater to your potential customers.

Yes, micro-influencers can be as effective as macro-influencers for ecommerce. They often have more engaged and niche-specific audiences, leading to higher brand engagement and conversion rates.