Online shopping has to be one of the most widespread and rapidly adopted activities on the internet. From completely dismissing e-shopping as cumbersome and dubious initially, it has become ordinary today. 

What changed? It is simply the shopping process for customers. With new strategies like Shop the Look, e-shopping has become convenient, appealing, and hassle-free for customers. 

Strategies like Shop the Look allow brands to showcase complementary products in a single interface, inspiring customers to purchase confidently. 

That sounds interesting. Let’s move forward and learn more about Shop the Look for Shopify and how Shopify businesses can implement it. 

What is Shop the Look?

Shop the Look for Shopify is a marketing trend commonly used by eCommerce brands in the fashion and consumer goods industries. It involves presenting a curated gallery or “lookbook” of complementary products such as clothing, accessories, or home furnishings in a visually appealing way. 

Shop the Look

By showcasing products as bundles,  businesses can elevate buying inspiration and improve the likelihood of cross-selling products. 

For example, in the fashion industry, “shop the look” might involve presenting a complete outfit, including a complementary shirt, trousers, shoes, and accessories. Then, Customers can purchase all the items shown to replicate the entire look.

Do you wonder how Shopify brands can curate Shop the Look galleries for online stores? Various third-party apps allow users to create lookbooks. Let’s find out how these apps work. 

How Do Shop the Look Apps Work? 

Shop the Look galleries have numerous advantages for eCommerce brands. They boost impulse purchasing decisions and positively impact any brand’s average order value. 

Shop the look Apps for Shopify

Brands can use Shop the Look apps and create shoppable lookbooks for their Shopify store. These lookbooks showcase complete outfits using the products you already have. Here’s how these apps work:

1. Create Lookbooks 

Various Shop the Look apps help curate immersive lookbooks from your preferred social content. Some apps even allow users to collect user-generated content that features your products aesthetically and utilize it to curate lookbooks. 

shop the look apps

Businesses can provide customers with an engaging browsing experience by leveraging authentic UGC galleries embedded within their Shopify stores. 

This approach enhances product discovery and instills confidence in potential buyers as they can see how products are used or styled by actual customers. Through curated lookbooks, users can easily explore new products and purchase them with assurance, knowing how they might fit into their lifestyle or aesthetic.

2. Facilitate One Click-To-Cart 

Many efficient Shop the-Look apps streamline the purchasing process by offering one-click-to-cart functionality. This feature allows users to add items to their shopping cart with a single click, eliminating the need to navigate to individual product pages. 

shop the look apps for Shopify

This hassle-free process helps customers buy the entire lookbook or all the featured complimentary products instantly. One click-to-cart functionality is an excellent inclusion for eCommerce businesses as brands can induce impulse purchases and bank on them significantly. 

3. Open Cross-Selling Opportunities

Cross-selling is one of the best Shopify eCommerce strategies for improving conversions. Various efficient Shop the Look apps for Shopify empowers users to capitalize on cross-selling opportunities by featuring multiple products together. 

By showcasing complementary or related items, businesses can strategically encourage customers to explore additional products that complement their original purchase. 

This approach enhances the value proposition for customers, increases average order value, and fosters repeat purchases. By seamlessly integrating cross-selling into the shopping experience, these apps enable businesses to grow their sales and drive sustainable growth.

4. Helps Understand Customer Preferences

Shop the Look apps are also highly effective in helping brands understand what their customers are looking for and are ready to spend on. 

shop the look apps

Shoppable lookbooks feature multiple products, and with the help of quality Shop the Look apps, brands can get real insights into how their customers respond to each product. 

By carefully analyzing the data these apps share, brands can curate more galleries with similar intent and quickly boost conversions.  

Benefits of Using Shop the Look Apps 

If you are wondering whether or not there are any advantages of Shop the Look Shopify brands can experience, here are some of the most significant benefits.

For Store Owners:⭐

1. Increased Sales

Online shopping decisions depend heavily on the visuals brands provide on their websites. Shop the Look galleries take this visualization to the next level for customers. 

By curating compelling lookbooks from accurate content, brands can offer ready-made shopping inspiration for customers and encourage them to buy more products than they originally intended. 

2. Reduced Cart Abandonment

One of the biggest reasons for abandoned carts is a typical shopping journey. Customers rely on online shopping due to its convenience, which allows them to buy products from the comfort of their homes. By inculcating Shop the Look strategies, eCommerce owners can make customers’ shopping experience three times faster. Brands can feature Shop the Look galleries into valuable landing pages. 

For example, by showcasing a complete outfit inspiration on specific product pages, businesses can boost sales of that specific product and the additional products shown with it. Customers can easily find everything they need for a complete outfit, making them less likely to abandon their carts before checkout.

3. Enhanced Brand Image

Shop the Look apps provide brands with a powerful platform to showcase their products in curated collections and immersive lookbooks. By presenting products in context, brands can convey a lifestyle or aesthetic that resonates with their target audience. 

This approach enhances the perceived value of the products, strengthens brand identity, and fosters connections with customers. Through visually compelling content and seamless shopping experiences, brands can enhance their image and differentiate themselves from competitors.

For Customers:⭐

1. Improved Shopping Experience

Shop the Look apps revolutionize the shopping experience by offering customers a seamless and convenient way to discover and purchase products. Instead of searching through numerous product pages or browsing multiple websites to find complete outfits, customers can explore curated lookbooks that showcase coordinated ensembles. 

This saves time and eliminates the frustration of trying to match individual pieces. By presenting products in context, customers can visualize how different items work together, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. 

Whether looking for a casual daytime outfit or a formal evening ensemble, Shop the Look apps provide customers with the inspiration and guidance they need to effortlessly create stylish looks.

2. Inspiration and Discovery

One of the key benefits of Shop the Look apps is their ability to inspire and engage customers. Lookbooks serve as a source of inspiration, showcasing a brand’s aesthetic and demonstrating how its products can be styled in various ways. 

benefits of Shop the Look apps

Customers can explore different looks and outfits curated by the brand or other users, sparking creativity and encouraging them to experiment with new styles or trends. 

By presenting products in aspirational settings or lifestyle contexts, Shop the Look apps help customers envision themselves using them and foster a sense of connection and belonging to the brand’s community. 

This element of discovery enhances the overall shopping experience and strengthens the emotional bond between the brand and its customers.

3. Convenience and Efficiency

Shop the Look apps offer customers convenience and efficiency throughout the shopping journey. They allow customers to add entire outfits or individual items to their shopping cart with minimal effort. This streamlined process eliminates the need to navigate multiple pages or undergo tedious checkout procedures, saving time and reducing friction in the buying process. 

best Shop the Look app

Moreover, Shop the Look apps often incorporate personalized recommendations based on a customer’s preferences and purchase behavior. This targeted approach ensures that customers are presented with relevant products that align with their tastes, enhancing their overall shopping experience. 

Where Should You Embed Shopify Shop the Look?

Statistics suggest that visual content receives 94% more views than text-only content. No wonder why Shop the Look galleries are super engaging and grab the attention of your customers more effectively. 

However, it is essential to embed them at places that can genuinely yield results, as Shop the Look galleries are not there just to improve your website’s aesthetics but also to boost sales. 

Here is where you can embed them. 

Product Page Galleries

Including a Shop the Look section on individual product pages lets customers see how the featured item can be styled or paired with other products.

Product Page Galleries

This helps them visualize different outfit combinations or complementary products, encouraging them to add more items to their cart.


Embedding the Shop the Look feature prominently on your homepage can immediately capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to explore curated collections or trends.

shop the look on Homepage

This creates an engaging entry point for customers and provides instant inspiration as soon as they land on your site.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Include Shop the Look content in your email marketing campaigns to engage subscribers and drive traffic to your Shopify store.

shop the look in email campaigns

Create visually appealing email newsletters featuring curated lookbooks or product collections, with direct links to shop the featured items.

Top 7 Shop the Look Apps for Shopify 

With so many efficient apps listed, choosing the best Shop the Look apps for the Shopify store can be challenging. In this list, we have mentioned the top 7 platforms that can help you achieve your desired results. 

1. Tagshop

tagshop - shop the look app

Tagshop is a leading shop the look app for Shopify, allowing users to curate highly immersive shoppable UGC galleries. With Tagshop, brands can collect social content and authentic user-generated content from multiple sources like Instagram and build Shop the Look galleries from the content. Users can embed these galleries into valuable landing pages of their online store and improve their product’s visibility 

It is a brilliant shop-the-look app for businesses looking to improve their website engagement rate by featuring attractive content. 

Additionally, Tagshop offers advanced AI features that allow customers to track the performance of their galleries closely. They help you learn which Shop the Look performed well and contributed to enhanced sales. 


  • Add product tags to lookbook galleries.
  • Feature content from social media channels.
  • Curate video-only Shop the Look feeds.
  • Embed Shop the Look feeds across touchpoints.
  • Host Shop the Look Email Campaigns.
  • Highlight products via product hotspots.

2. Zoomy – Shop the Look

shop the look app

Zoomy is another shop-the-look app for Shopify businesses that lists all your featured products on one page. With Zoomy, brands can increase sales by grouping products and reducing the time customers need to search for them. 

The app offers multiple display themes that help showcase featured looks in a list or grid view. Additionally, brands can customize the text, color, and font size of the Shop the Look gallery and embed it into product pages. 

EVM Lookbook - Shoppable Gallery - shop the look

EVM is another famous Shop the Look app listed on Shopify. The tool is highly rated by eCommerce businesses for its ability to create stunning shoppable image galleries that can be placed on any store page. With EVM, users can specifically add Shop the Look galleries on product detail pages. 

Additionally, the tool offers smart functionalities that automatically detect products and show images specific to them. The EVM Lookbook app is easy to use and packed with features that help showcase lifestyle images beautifully on store pages.

4. Shop the Look – Lookbook

Shop the look

Shop the Look – Lookbook is a leading Shop the Look platform for Shopify businesses. The tool is vital for creating a seamless shopping experience for customers. With Shop the Look, brands can create upselling opportunities through curated lookbook offers. 

Brands can improve sales by easily embedding immersive product lookbooks on product pages or offering complementary products that match customers’ interests. The tool offers on-brand, shoppable galleries & lookbooks with features like customizations, product recommendations, and upsell bundles across collections. 

5. Cevoid UGC

Shop the look Shopify app

Cevoid UGC is another popular Shop the Look app for Shopify businesses. The tool allows users to collect customer photos or videos and curate Shop the Look feeds. 

With Cevoid, users can distribute their content effortlessly through a seamless embedding feature that lets you showcase shoppable content on your home page, product pages, and other marketing channels. 

The tool is highly efficient and can instantly boost website engagement and sales through aesthetic shoppable UGC galleries and shop the look cards on your website.

6. MeroxIO Shop the Look

Shopify Shop the Look

MeroxIo is a shop the Look app. Shopify brands can try to create captivating and responsive Shop the Look galleries in their online store. 

The tool enables customers to explore and buy products directly from images. MeroxIO’s lookbook galleries are ideal for fashion and home decor businesses and can help them showcase product bundles with an optimized view. 

The tool is famous for offering easy setup with mobile optimization, allowing brands to increase their engagement and conversion rates. 

best Shop the Look app

Lookfy shop the look app is a leading platform for Shopify stores. The tool helps users enhance the visual appeal of their online stores with a captivating lookbook and image gallery. 

Lookfy allows businesses to seamlessly tag multiple products in their posts, enabling a versatile, shoppable layout that helps drive sales with bundled upsells. It also saves time with custom photo uploads, delivering an enhanced online shopping experience. With Lookfy, brands can elevate storytelling and product presentation to engage customers and enhance conversions.


Curating Shop the Look galleries for your eCommerce store is an excellent strategy. Unlike in the retail setting, where brands can easily communicate with customers and showcase complementary products, leading to an improved order value, upselling in eCommerce can seem a bit complicated.  

With the help of Shop the Look apps Shopify brands can effortlessly feature matching products in a single layout and inspire customers to own these styles. 

In conclusion, Shop the Look is an advanced marketing tactic that can help brands improve their product visibility and overall sales more effectively. 


What is the Shop the Look feature?

Shop the Look lets you see outfits featuring multiple items & buy them all at once. It’s like a shortcut to styled inspiration!

How to use Shop the Look in Shopify?

Shopify offers built-in “Shop the Look” sections or third-party apps. These let you curate images with product tags so customers can add a whole outfit to their cart with a click.

How to create Shop the Look?

Shop the Look involves showcasing a complete outfit with clickable links to each item. You can use photo editing tools or dedicated apps to tag products on an image.

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