Embed YouTube Playlist on Website in 4 Steps 

Embed Youtube Playlist on Website
Reading Time: 11 minutes

Video marketing plays a vital role in capturing users’ attention. Who’s not aware of YouTube’s success? YouTube is the best video platform and has the credit of the second-largest search engine. 

With over 2.5 billion logged-in and 1 billion hours of videos watched on the platform daily, embedding them on your site is a great punch. 

Many marketers face customization limits and performance issues while embedding. However, simple steps and tools can easily accomplish this job and overcome all limitations. 

Undoubtedly effective in its reach and immediacy, businesses should consider embedding YouTube links within their sites.

This blog will explore how to embed YouTube playlists on a website. You can easily do it independently with easy embedding processes and methods. So, without much waiting, let’s begin: 

Embed YouTube Playlist on Website

Youtube Channel

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Youtube Playlist

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Youtube Shorts

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Youtube Keywords

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Youtube Location

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Steps to Embed YouTube Playlist on Any Website

There are two methods to embed YouTube playlists on the website. The first uses YouTube, and the other uses the third-party tool Tagshop.
Method 1. Using YouTube Itself
Method 2. Using Tagshop

Before moving ahead, let’s compare both methods:-

Requirements Method 1Method 2
Embed YouTube PlaylistUsing YouTubeUsing Tagshop 
Auto Feed Update No, you have to update it manually.  Auto update available 
Themes and TemplatesNo customized themes are availableYes, lucrative themes and features are provided
Advance Features No advanced featuresYes, with custom requirements and themes
Shoppable Feed/Story/Videos You will not be able to make your videos shoppableYes, you can make your video shoppable by syncing the product catalog
Products Tagging No product tagging option is availableYes, you can tag products manually
Bulk Embedding No, you have to embed it manuallyYes, bulk embedding can be done smoothly.
Engagement MetricsNA in manual uploadAdvanced analytics tools are provided
CustomizationNo customization options are providedYes, various themes are available that align with your website
Advance Support No advance support is availableYes, support is available 24/7
Platform CompatibilityIt faces difficulties in integrating with various platforms and has compatibility issues It is easily compatible with all platforms 
Time-consumingYes, as you need to embed each video manually.No, it allows embedding multiple posts.

Method 1. Using YouTube Itself

Follow the steps below to embed a YouTube playlist on your website using YouTube itself: 

Step 1 – Navigate to YouTube and look for the video you want to embed. 

Embed Youtube Playlist on Website

Step 2 – Click on the ‘Share’ option and choose ‘Embed

Embed Youtube Playlist

Step 3 – After this, copy the embed code.

copy youtube playlist code

Step 4 – Login to your website admin

Step 5 – Go to the page where you want to embed the video

Step 6 – Paste the embed code there, and you’re done. 

Method 2. Embed Instagram Playlist using Tagshop

To embed a YouTube Playlist on the website using Tagshop, follow the given steps:

Step 1. Collect Content from YouTube

1. Login or create a free Tagshop account.

start tagshop free trial

2. Go to feed and click on ‘Add New’ to create your new feed. You can also edit your previous feed.

3. From the source network options, choose ‘YouTube’ as your platform

collect youtube playlist content

4. A dialogue box will appear. Choose ‘Playlist’ from the given options. 

embed youtube playlist on website

5. Enter the name of the playlist and select the playlist from the drop-down list. 

Youtube Playlist into Website

Step 6 – Click on “Create Feed.” You will see that your feed has been created.

Step 2. Moderate YouTube Playlist

1. Once your feed is created, you can moderate it accordingly. Go to content and select the posts you want to make Public, Private, or Deleted. 

show Youtube Playlist

*Advanced Feature: Make YouTube Playlist Shoppable

Here’s the magic! Using Tagshop, you can make your YouTube videos shoppable. Follow these steps to create your shoppable feed or if you don’t want to make your feed shoppable just skip to next step.

1. To make your YouTube videos shoppable go to ‘Product Catalog’ from the sidebar and sync your products.

tag products on youtube

2. Once your products are synced, go to ‘Tag Products’  and tag each product by name, category, and SKU.

Embed Youtube Playlist on Website

Note* – You can tag multiple products in a post by turning on the hotspot feature. 

Step 3. Publish YouTube Playlist on Website

1. You can even design your feed. Go to ‘Publish’ and choose the theme, customization options, and CTA buttons that match your website. 

display Youtube Playlist on Website

2. Once everything is set, click ‘Save’ in the sidebar and ‘Generate Code’ at the bottom. 

3. Choose your preferred CMS platform and copy the code to embed. 

choose CMS for Youtube Playlist

4. Paste this code on the website’s backend, and you’re done.

You will see that your YouTube playlist has been embedded on your website using Tagshop.

Live Demo: YouTube Playlist on Website

Embed YouTube Playlist on Website

Youtube Channel

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Youtube Playlist

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Youtube Shorts

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Youtube Keywords

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Youtube Location

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Embed YouTube Playlist on Your CMS Platform

Now that you have learned how to generate the embed code using Tagshop. Let’s understand how to embed the generated code on different CMS platforms. 

1. Embed YouTube Playlist on Shopify

Embed Youtube Playlist on Shopify

Follow the instructions below to embed YouTube Playlist on your Shopify website.

Step 1 – Login to your Shopify account.

Step 2 – Navigate to the ‘Online Store’ option.

Step 3 – From the drop-down menu, select the page

Embed Youtube Playlist on Website shopify store

Step 4 – Look for the page where you want to embed the playlist 

Step 5 – Embed the Tagshop-generated code in the HTML section 

Embed Youtube Playlist on Website

Step 6 – Save all the changes, and you’re done. 

You have successfully embedded a YouTube playlist on your Shopify website. 

Related Blog: How to Embed YouTube Videos on Shopify Store


2. Display YouTube Playlist on WordPress

To embed your YouTube playlist on the WordPress website, follow the steps: 

Step 1 – Log in to your WordPress account 

Embed Youtube Playlist on wordpress

Step 2 – Search for  the page where you want to embed the YouTube playlist feed and choose ‘Custom HTML block.”

Embed Youtube Playlist on wordpress site

Step 3 – Paste the code you generated from Tagshop, and you’re done. 

You have successfully embed your YouTube feed on your WordPress website using Tagshop. 

Related Blog: How to Embed Youtube Video in WordPress


3. Add a YouTube Playlist on HTML

To embed a YouTube playlist on your website using HTML, follow the given instructions:

Step 1 – Sign in to your HTML website panel.

Step 2 – Go to the webpage where you want to embed your feed. 

Step 3 – Paste the YouTube playlist feed code that you copied from Tagshop 

Step 4 – Apply all the changes, and you’re done.

You will see that your feed will be seen on the HTML website. 

Embed YouTube Playlist on Website

Youtube Channel

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Youtube Playlist

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Youtube Shorts

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Youtube Keywords

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Youtube Location

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4. Implement YouTube Playlist Magento

To embed a YouTube playlist feed on the Magento website, follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Go to your Magento website panel.

Step 2 – Choose the ‘Content’ option from the left sidebar.

Step 3 – Under the ‘Design’ option, choose ‘Configuration’

Step 4 – Design or edit your webpage 

Step 5 – Scroll down and choose the ‘HTML Head’ option. 

Step 6 – Paste your YouTube playlist code here and save the changes. 

You have successfully embed the code for your YouTube playlist on your Magento website. 


5. Show YouTube Playlist on Squarespace

Follow the steps below to embed the YouTube playlist on the Squarespace website:

Step 1 – Login to your Squarespace Website

Embed Youtube Playlist on Squarespace

Step 2 – Select the page to embed the YouTube Playlist or create a new one.

show Youtube Playlist on Squarespace

Step 3 – Edit the page and choose ‘Add Section’.

Embed Youtube Playlist on Squarespace website

Step 4 – Click on the </> icon in the URL field and paste your code here. 

Display Youtube Playlist on Squarespace

Step 5 – Click ‘set’ and then ‘apply’ to publish your changes

You will see that your YouTube playlist has been embedded on your Squarespace website. 

Embed YouTube Playlist on Website

Youtube Channel

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Youtube Playlist

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Youtube Shorts

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Youtube Keywords

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Youtube Location

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6. Add YouTube Playlist on Wix

To embed your YouTube feed on your Wix website, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Login to your Wix website admin panel. 

Step 2 – Select ‘Main Page’ and choose the ‘+’ button

Embed Youtube Playlist on Wix store

Step 3 – Select “More” from the bottom

Step 4 – Go to ‘Embed Code’ and select ‘Embed HTML’

Show Youtube Playlist on Wix website

Step 5 – Paste the Tagshop generated code here and click ‘Save.’

Display Youtube Playlist on Wix

You have successfully embed the YouTube Playlist on your Wix website. 


7. YouTube Playlist Feed on Elementor

To display your YouTube playlist on your Elementor website, follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Login to your WordPress account

Step 2 – Look for the pages where you want to embed the playlist

Show Youtube Playlist on Elementor

Step 3 – Click on “Edit with Elementor.” Then, drag and drop the HTML element where you want to embed the feed. 

Embed Youtube Playlist on Elementor

Step 4—Paste the code and click “update. ” Your feed will be live on the website. 

Embed YouTube Playlist on Website

Youtube Channel

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Youtube Playlist

Try Now

Youtube Shorts

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Youtube Keywords

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Youtube Location

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Benefits of Embedding YouTube Playlist

This section will explore various benefits of Embedding a YouTube Playlist on your website. 

1. Increased Time Spent on the Website 

When you integrate video content into your website, users will engage with and interact with your page and spend more time there. Video content is a great way to engage your audience for extended periods. 

2. Great User Experience

When you embed a YouTube Playlist on your website, users will navigate through engaging video content and aesthetics. This will enhance user experience and increase engagement on your website. 

3. SEO Benefits 

YouTube is part of Google, so embedding YouTube playlist into your website will significantly improve search engine rankings. Integrating video content into your website visibly will also improve search results. It will also help with your YouTube rankings, structure your playlist tile, description tags, etc. 

4. Diverse Content Library

By embedding YouTube playlists into your website, you can showcase your collection of videos that resonate with your brand. Embedding videos directly into your site means users can access valuable content without navigating away, offering a diverse library.

5. Cross Platform Compatibility

One of the benefits of embedding YouTube playlists is that it helps cross-platform compatibility across platforms and devices. YouTube players are adaptable to various screen sizes, ensuring your viewer has a great experience.  

Way Forward

YouTube is one of the most popular search engines, and YouTube playlist embedding will significantly improve your results. It can increase your video views and efficiently share information with potential clients. 

With Tagshop, you can quickly improve your site’s user experience, as it comes with various themes and customization options. It also gives you the flexibility of various CMS platform integrations, like Shopify, WordPress, Magento, etc. By effortlessly implementing these steps, you can showcase your playlists, capture your visitors’ attention, and improve their browsing experience by embedding YouTube videos on your website. 

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