How to Promote Your Shopify Store: 19 Ultimate Strategies

how to promote Shopify store
Reading Time: 13 minutes

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform. Approximately 4.7 million brands globally are powered by Shopify, which is huge.

Today, most of the e-commerce stores are created by Shopify. It has become a thriving platform helping brands sell their products online. Shopify provides an intuitive user interface, affordable pricing, and great merchant support to businesses 

Customers are also more likely to shop from e-commerce stores these days for convenience. This makes it an ideal time to promote your Shopify store and reach a wider audience.

Shopify store owners need a proper marketing strategy to promote their Shopify stores. To help run a successful e-commerce business, we’ve shared 19 ultimate strategies.

How to Promote Your Shopify Store: 19 Strategies to Increase Your Sales

The key to successfully running any idea is hidden in its planning and the strategies you use to implement the plan. Similarly, to promote a Shopify store you’ll have to follow some strategies that help your brand level up. 

We have made your work easy by gathering 19 ultimate strategies for how to promote your Shopify store. Let’s run down into the strategy mentioned below.

1. Email Marketing Campaigns

These days email marketing has become a common yet efficient strategy for e-commerce brands. It is one of the best ways to foster leads, boost engagement, and improve the sales of your Shopify store. It is important to have emails from potential customers so that you can run your marketing campaign through them.

Your Shopify promotion must include an email marketing campaign to get a promising conversion. Sending targeted emails to potential customers can significantly improve your conversion rate.

Moreover, it is as important to re-engage your inactive subscribers as the new ones. Marketing metrics like conversion rates and customer values can be affected due to your inactive subscribers. So, reconnect with them with an effective re-engagement email campaign. 

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2. Run UGC campaigns

Wondering how to promote your Shopify store for free? Running user-generated content (UGC) campaigns can be a great solution for you to build and grow your brand. It consists of major marketing advantages such as building trustworthy relationships with the audience to drive sales. 

Reviews and UGC for Your Shopify Store

UGC campaigns to promote your shopify store

UGC is the content created by your valuable customers around your product and services that you can use as social proof to your website visitors. UGC for Shopify can include pictures, videos, customer reviews, reels, and much more. With tools like Tagshop, you can explore the maximum potential of UGC by making it shoppable. Know more about it below.

3. Make Your Content Shoppable

Want to hook your customers to your Shopify store? Take advantage of the unique Shopify marketing strategy by making your content shoppable.

Shoppable content on your Shopify store makes it interesting and easy for your visitors to explore your products and make purchases directly. Adding shoppable content makes it easy for your customers to discover different products. 

You put so much effort into shooting those professional pictures of your products. Now, you can make your Shopify store attractive by adding those product pictures and making them shoppable. Promote the Shopify store with shoppable images by adding tags and making it easy for your customers to shop. This tactic can considerably boost the conversion rate of your Shopify store. 

Add a shoppable gallery on your Shopify store’s homepage or product pages with Tagshop to streamline your customers’ purchasing journey. Without wasting time on navigation, your customers can discover and purchase products in a single place. 

4. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing today has become a huge part of Shopify’s marketing strategies. Collaborating with influencers gives extra weight to your marketing which accelerates your brand reach, engagement, and sales. Today 75% of businesses are dedicated to investing in influencer marketing. 

So, how to promote the Shopify store by collaborating with influencers?

The initial step in influencer marketing for eCommerce is finding the right influencers that match your industry. It is crucial because only then will influencers understand your brand values, and you’ll reach the correct target audience.

After choosing the correct influencer to promote your brand in your niche, offer them a chance to collaborate with you. These influencers are experts at their work, which involves creating engaging content to promote your Shopify store. However, they might not know your brand, so it’s important to give them a brief about it and let them show the magic of their creativity.

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5. Partnership Programs

Want to boost the reach of your Shopify store and attract new audiences to your brand? A partnership program can be a good choice. It may seem tough to find and build a strong partnership relationship. 

However, it’s not that complicated; it starts with identifying a brand you’d like to partner with. Next, you must approach them for collaboration to run different marketing campaigns.

 A cross-promotional program that is well aligned with the partner brand helps to boost the reputation and credibility of your Shopify store as well as your partner brand. Further, collaborating with complementary brands can boost visibility for both. 

As part of the partnership program, cross-promotion is a reliable marketing strategy as it is beneficial for both. The co-branded partnership is another effective program. In this brands take advantage of each other’s strengths to grow their brand reaching new audiences.  

To make your cross-promotional partnership program effective you must gather some valuable insights. Using technologies collect data about your customer’s behavior and interests. The data help you to personalize your cross-promotional program and take it in to correct direction. This collaboration helps to foster trust and improve customer experience. 

6. Encourage Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials have a huge impact on the purchase decisions of online customers. 49% of buyers put their trust in online customer reviews. 

You must also encourage your satisfied buyers to share their experience with the Shopify store.

how to advertise your shopify store

When you see that you have an ample of customer reviews make good use of them by displaying them on your Shopify store. You can easily pull the best customer reviews through Tagshop, embed them on the Shopify store, and make them shoppable. This tactic can boost the traffic of your Shopify store, build trust, and boost visibility as well.

Learn More: How to Add Customer Reviews to Shopify

7. Leveraging SEO to Improve Search Ranking

SEO is an important factor for Shopify, just like any other website.  With the fruitful strategies of SEO, you get the chance to improve the discoverability of your Shopify store. The best practices of SEO let you transfer huge traffic to your Shopify store gathering more people to your store.

A report revealed that 40% of buyers search for products on search engines like Google. 

To effectively implement SEO strategies, consider following this shopify SEO checklist.

First off, keyword research and optimization. You need to focus on some primary keywords that your potential customers must be searching to find your products. 

These keywords play a crucial role in improving the discoverability of your Shopify store. All you need to do is to add those targeted keywords product titles, descriptions, URLs, meta descriptions, and tags. This strategy is not only best for SEO but also helps boost the click-through rate of your Shopify store. 

Next is the link building for your Shopify store which helps to foster trust and better authority online. Build backlinks from reputable websites. Try to connect with reputable leaders and influencers in your industry and ask them for backlinks. Another trick is to get in touch with websites that are not directly linked to you and convince them to mention your brand.

8. Boost Social Media Engagement

Social media is one of the most crowded places online with millions of active users to connect with. Thus, it is the perfect place to promote your Shopify store organically. Let’s see how to promote your Shopify store on social media organically because it can be tricky.  

Run an advertisement campaign for your Shopify store on social media that will give a good conversion rate. These campaigns are highly targeted and aimed to reach the ideal buyers. To enjoy the effective results of these campaigns, you need to be careful about your postings. To maximize your campaign results, use the best Shopify blog apps for content management.

The visuals should be of high quality and eye-grabbing for better engagement. Try hands-on different formats for your social media content. The video content should not be too long as that can affect the engaging factor. Videos should be short and the first 4 seconds must be attention-grabbing. 

Other than content you must host interesting challenges and giveaways this can help you to communicate with your audience. This strategy helps your Shopify store to build positive brand awareness and a strong community around your brand. Communication is the key for your audience to know about your brand and for you to know the preferences of your audience. 

9. Embed Social Media Content on the Shopify Store

Make your e-commerce store appealing and make an impact on your customers’ choices by embedding social media content on your Shopify store. 

With Tagshop Shopify App, you can not only embed social media content on the Shopify store but also make it shoppable. 

Other than grabbing the attention of your audience, this strategy has other benefits. Help your customers discover your products quickly, which boosts the conversion rates and sales of your Shopify store. 

Read about how to embed video on shopify.

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10. Web Push Notifications

You must take action to convert those new visitors into valuable customers and push notifications are a perfect way to do it. Close to 8% of your Shopify visitors don’t make purchases from their first visit. Thus, it is crucial to bring back those potential customers to your store. 

Sending web push notifications encourages first-time visitors to visit the store again and make up their minds to shop from your store. This is a free and engaging way to promote the Shopify store. 

Each notification you send must be compelling to the visitor. It is important to note that you should not send too many push notifications in a short span as it might annoy the visitor.

11. Host Podcasts with Industry Leaders

A few years ago podcasts were not that so important and were a new technique. However, today podcasts have become one of the popular forms of media that audiences engage with. 

Thus, if you want to promote your Shopify store podcasts can be a great medium. E-commerce businesses are heavily taking advantage of this technique today to spread brand awareness. Why? Because these podcasts are a go-to way for busy professionals to learn about new products or businesses. 

Partner up with leading influencers in your industry to create podcasts with them and they will spread positive words about your Shopify store. These podcasts have different benefits that you can enjoy. You can spread valuable information about your business through podcasts featuring your products and services. 

Further, a good podcast comes with the opportunity to build connections between your fans, entrepreneurs, and merchants. It opens the pathway to connect with potential suppliers and other entrepreneurs, you can even collaborate with them in the future. 

12. Social Media Ads

As defined earlier social media platforms are a great medium to promote your Shopify store. However, Original content on social media can take a little more time to reach targeted audiences. Hence, by investing in social media ads, you can witness better reach for your Shopify store. All you need to do is to monetize your original content and you will see drastic growth in your reach. 

shopify promotion

Create paid ads based on the demographics and interests of your audiences. A few characteristics you must keep in mind while investing in social media ads are age, location, education level, gender, and interests of the audience. 

13. Google Ads

Paying advertisements on Google can work great to promote the Shopify store. 


Google is the most used search engine platform in the world, and running ads on it will surely help you reach your preferred targeted audiences. Moreover, you can use the relevant keywords and highlight your products through Google ads. 

Using Google ads, you can run paid ads for particular products or landing pages and it offers your particular keywords upon which your store can appear. Your Shopify store will appear on top of the Google search results as per relevant keywords if you win the highest offer. Paid search management is a good investment that will bring good traffic and ROI to your Shopify store. 

14. Referral Programs

how to advertise your shopify store

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E-commerce businesses use referral programs; this technique has become a staple. Referral programs help e-commerce businesses to retrain their customers and get new as well.

So, the referral program is a great strategy to promote Shopify incentivizing your customers. In this technique, Shopify stores provide customers referral codes for discounts and they have to recommend the product to friends and family. To use the referral code, they need to click on a specific URL and enjoy the discount. 

This technique has two-way advantages, your Shopify store got promoted to new customers and they get good discounts on their purchases. Gaining new customers will pay off by utilizing this technique for the Shopify store owners.

15. Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross-sell Opportunities

Post purchase to market shopify store

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Your customers have already purchased, but do you want to convince them to make more purchases? The post-purchase cross-sell technique can be a great strategy you can use to do so and promote Shopify store.

You can send them personalized emails and retarget them to grab show-related products. With Taghsop APP, you have the opportunity to streamline your customers’ purchase journey by sending them personalized shoppable emails.

It’s time to make a bigger profit for your Shopify store by upselling your products to your existing customers. You have well promoted your Shopify store to attract huge customers and make purchases. Your efforts paid off, customers visited your Shopify store, explored products, and proceeded to check out. Hold them there, this is the stage where you can use the post-purchase upsell technique.

At the checkout stage recommend your customers similar products of higher price and chances they make up their mind to purchase it. This technique has generated better sales and improved profit for the Shopify store. This technique has also made it easy for customers to make immediate purchase actions. 

16. Retain Your Customers

Attracting new customers is crucial for the growth of your Shopify store. But what about the existing sleeping customers? They are similarly crucial for your Shopify store, so you must think of their retention. Retaining customers is a tactic that opens doors for the long-term success of your Shopify store. This shows the commitment of your brand towards your customers. 

Thus, to retain your customers sending personalized emails can be a good idea, though there are other strategies also available. It helps you to regain the trust of the existing customers and strengthen their relationship with your brand. Based on their previous purchase, you can send them an email letting them know about upcoming sales or events. The email must be both attractive and informative so that your customers take quick action. 

17. Create Short-form Videos

Creaste short form videos to promote shopify store

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Visuals have a more positive effect on the customers to know about any brand and specifically the videos. So, in today’s modern marketing strategies, video marketing has a crucial place in terms of better engagement. Moreover, it has been found that short videos have more engagement power than descriptive videos as they talk to the point. 

Short videos can be an engaging solution to market your Shopify store. Incorporating storytelling skills in your short videos makes them more effective, and builds confidence in your customers about your Shopify store. Moreover, you can make the Shopify store attractive by embedding short videos through Tagshop. 

18. Create Your Community

As part of your e-commerce marketing, you should focus on building a strong community around it. Thus, utilize the power of social media platforms to promote Shopify store there. The huge audience of social media will help you build a community for your Shopify store. 

Building a community for your Shopify store helps you to establish high customer loyalty. Your audience will get to know about the mission and value of your Shopify store, which will build their trust. You can make decisions according to the preferences of your community. It also helps you to upgrade your products that fit the expectations of your customers.  

19. Consider Offline Strategies

Consider offline strategies to promote your shopify store

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Online marketing is not the only way to promote the Shopify store, offline campaigns are also quite effective. As part of the offline marketing campaign of your Shopify store, you have effective strategies. You can get sales on Shopify through tradeshows and other events, the key is to spread the correct words for the promotion.  

Participating in local events allows you to connect with similar brands and build a strong network. Local events are attended by various brands so you can partner with them. It’s a good opportunity for you to build a good reputation for your brand. Moreover, for effective promotion of your Shopify store, you can print media like posters, banners, branded merchandise, and more. You can easily generate a QR code using QR code generator and add it to your banner, redirecting attendees to your Shopify store.

Must Read: 34 Shopify Store Examples to Learn From and Grow Your Business


Now that you know how to promote your Shopify store, you have access to some of the most effective strategies. What are you waiting for?

Remember that your customers must interact with your Shopify store even before the purchase. So, your strategies must be strong enough to encourage the targeted audience to connect with your Shopify store. 
Utilize the Strategies to promote Shopify store as mentioned and enjoy the results of this tactic. 


How can we promote the Shopify store on Google?

Having your content optimized as per Google SEO guidelines is an effective way to promote your brand through Google. Another solution to do the same is to run Google ads. Running Google ads gives you the leverage of better ranking,  keywords, and product highlights.

How to promote the Shopify store on Instagram?

There are many ways you can use to promote your Shopify stereo via Instagram such as making your Insta content shoppable by adding tags redirecting the user to your store. Another way to promote the Shopify store on Instagram is by running Instagram ads. With Instagram ads, you can run pocket-friendly campaigns that help you find new customers and boost your business sales.

How can we promote the Shopify store on Facebook?

Facebook ads are the best tool to promote the Shopify store on Facebook. Facebook ads help you to achieve your goals seamlessly. The goals include boosting posts, promoting your Facebook business page, generating leads, receiving more website visitors, and more.

Collect, Manage, and Publish Shoppable UGC
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